Royale Rain Chain - Perfect Gift for Holiday Season

Scaling in a larger dimension, the pure copper Royale rain chain is the perfect gift to challenge any device, any article that might rust, crust or collect dust. While it might not project out any holiday tune in the likeness of a Christmas carol, it does much more than that. It conforms to the natural world and will help reduce your carbon footprint to bring a soothing, non man-made tune that you will enjoy all seasons of the year. With each vibrant, heavy duty, pure copper etched cup measuring 4.75”h x 5.75”diameter, it will easily catch a large amount of rain fall and transport...
HALLOWEEN Special......

Monarch Rain chains leads in style and design concept of rain chains whose claim to fame originated in Japan hundreds of years ago. The Japanese realized the importance of water conservation and collected rain water from rooftops of temples in large barrels for reuse at a later time. We expanded upon this simple Japanese concept which they referred to as "kusari doi" by offering a large selection of link and cup style chains to efficiently transport rain water. Our large cup and X Large cups allow for minimal splashing and the water can be collected at ground level into large...
Perfect Pre- Holiday Addition For Your Home – Copper Rain Chains

With the onset of Holiday season approaching, what better gift to give your home and Copper Heirloom Rain Chain[/caption] yourself other than a Rain Chain. Monarch Rain Chains has the largest collection of rain chain styles to choose from and an assortment of medium cup, large cup or X-Large cup styles as well as an array of link styles. Pick the one which suits your home but at the same time keep in mind the volume of rain fall in your area. X-large cups handle the maximum amount of rain fall and we highly recommend our gutter adaptor installation kit...