HALLOWEEN Special......

Monarch Rain chains leads in style and design concept of rain chains whose claim to fame originated in Japan hundreds of years ago. The Japanese realized the importance of water conservation and collected rain water from rooftops of temples in large barrels for reuse at a later time. We expanded upon this simple Japanese concept which they referred to as "kusari doi" by offering a large selection of link and cup style chains to efficiently transport rain water. Our large cup and X Large cups allow for minimal splashing and the water can be collected at ground level into large barrels or containers. This stored rain water can be reused for hosing down driveways, watering plants but it cannot be consumed. Most of our cup and link styles are made of pure, heavy guage copper which stands the test of time and acquires a classic brown patina on the surface since it interacts with the oxygen in the air. This beautiful patina lends itself to the appearance of the rain chain and the flower shaped cups look like a classic piece of art hanging from your gutter. Rain chains are becoming popular and most gutter companies take pride in carrying our selection of rain chains. Monarch rain chains introduced the concept of "BUNDLING"....which simply put is purchasing a rain chain with a gutter adaptor, a basin and maybe an extension. Check out our "Bundle Deals" and take advantage of the additional discounts we are offering on these in addition to FREE SHIPPING on qualifying orders. We constantly offer additional seasonal discounts....so check out our HALLOWEEN SPECIAL and replace your unnattractive plastic gutters with these fantastic, stylish rain gutter chains. All our rain chains are 8.5 ft in length and come with a triangular gutter hooks for quick and easy assembly.