Benefits of Rain Chain Downspouts…

Copper rain chains are the perfect solution in this push for making it an eco-friendly environment. Copper is 100% recyclable and can be reused time and again. Rain chains work in lieu of downspouts and enhance the beauty of a home. Downspouts are usually made of plastic or aluminum and are not attractive, but you could install a copper rain chain which is made of a collection of cups or links which are joined together which efficiently and effectively carry the water from the gutter. Copper rain chains do not react with water, but copper does oxidize and forms a layer...
Smart water management with copper rain chains

It is a well known fact there will be scarcity of water over time, so managing rain water smartly will behoove the homeowner. Make your 2012 resolution and support water conservation. Rainwater accumulates on rooftops and can be guided by gutters into rain barrels where it can be stored for further reuse. This concept of utilizing stored rain water originated in Japan hundreds of years ago and continues to this day. Monarch rain chains offers a vast collection of rain chains suitable for any style home - be it contemporary or traditional - we have something for every body. Our rain chains lend...