How Do I Pick Out A Rain Chain Style for my Home?

Recently, a landscape architect called in and inquired about the Hammered cup rain chain she was eyeing for a client whose home she was helping to renovate. The architect was faced with a dilemma regarding the style of rain chain that would be the best fit for the home; the home was a Spanish style home. This is a common question many first time rain chain buyers ask themselves- Which rain chain should I purchase for my home? However, another good question to ask before making a decision is: What kind of architecture does my home possess? If your home is a standard traditional home, you may have more room to experiment with the many rain chains designs. However, if your homes architecture is more narrowly focused, such as a Spanish Style, Mediterranean or Mid-Century to name a few, the details of the architecture are very specific and usually identifiable with a certain era, culture, or geographical area such as the Spanish Style. In these instances, certain rain chain designs work better than others. Spanish style homes are easily identifiable. The common exterior elements are: White roughly textured exterior stucco walls, door arches, arcades in both the front and back of the home, terracotta roof tiles, ornamental iron work, painted tiles, and wooden doors to name a few. These homes possess a certain nature that makes them truly stand out. In this instance, the Hammered Cup rain chain would be a top choice to consider. The hammered cup is an elegantly structured rain chain. The hammered details give it a rich texture while the standard form of the cup makes it a fit choice for specific architectural homes including Spanish style homes. The sophisticated yet minimal design of the cup style blends easily with the architecture of the home. They do not clash- instead they both synchronize to achieve a balanced look. The Hammered cup is a popular choice for a good reason- it harmonizes with many architectural homes! If you have a traditional style home, don’t be afraid to experiment. However if you want something traditional, the hammered cup rain chain is a safe choice. Consider the architectural style of the home to see what style best fits your home. If your home is contemporary, you may want to consider the link styles sleek look. Browse our Pinterest page or our customer gallery on our website to see examples of how other homeowners have captured the beauty of rain chains for their homes.