Fantastic savings with the beautiful Sundrop flower bundle

Sundrop Flower Bundle[/caption] I recently received my order of the Sundrop flower bundle with the mild steel basin and I am so excited that it is finally here. It has everything you need to have a complete look for your home. We were looking to give our home an uplift without spending a whole lot, and we were totally pleased with the purchase. Ordering it was simple and quick and we received it within 4 working days, which goes to show they shipped it right away. Kudos to Monarchrainchains. I followed the installation instructions included with the items and once I had installed my sundrop flower rain chain there was going to be some space or gap still left from the bottom of the rain chain to the basin. I was looking to close the gap a bit but not too much since I didn’t want the end of the chain to be sitting inside the basin. A simple solution was to place the basin on top of some stones to give it some extra height. Luckily I had some stone slabs from a recent project still left so I used some of the limestone stone slabs to create a sort of a stone step, with pieces of the stone overlapping to create the height that I needed to then place the basin on top. The stones are very attractive and I just love the natural element it possesses. Since the basin is a dark brown almost black color, the contrast with the stone will make it even more attractive and give it that nice earthy yet contemporary vibe. The copper band enhanced the beauty of the rain chain and the basin. The solution was very simple and practical. I was able to get the extra height I needed to balance out the look of my rain chain with my basin. It looks very professional looking and yet it something anyone can do. The basin accessory really allows you to play around and get as creative as you want to pull off an attractive outdoor landscape. I’m really happy with my sundrop flower bundle set. It looks great and at any given time in the day we sit outside and admire our handiwork. Thank you so much for providing us with a unique, decorative and functional accent for our home. We LOVE it !!! Samantha P. Anderson | Wichita, KS