Approaching Labor Day with Anticipation

Labor Day is upon us and for many it signifies a forthcoming shift in seasons. While September is the month where we swing from summer to autumn season, Labor Day more importantly is a holiday that acknowledges the significance of the labor movement and the contributions workers make every day towards the improvement and well-being of our country. As a result, we want to show our patriotism by offering special deals on our rain chains as a way to acknowledge the importance of the everyday worker. And since many will be bracing for the upcoming seasonal changes, why not get a head start on upgrading your gutters thru a more decorative and streamlined approach? Our line of rain chains consists of 45 styles giving you an ample selection to choose from. If you are a first time rain chain buyer, consider a few things prior to selecting a rain chain style. First, try to get a close approximation of how much rainfall your geographical area receives to determine what cup size/link style to select. If you receive light rainfall, a medium cup size/link style will be sufficient. For medium rain fall, most large cup sizes will suffice. For substantial rain fall, we suggest browsing thru our Large and X-large cup sizes with a diameter opening of 3.5 + and over and with a bottom cup opening of at least 1”inch diameter. A second thing to consider is that all rain chains have some splash factor associated with their functioning. If you desire the least amount of splash, especially if you live in an area that receives a great deal of rainfall, it is best to go with a rain chain without decorative links in between the cups. This Labor Day weekend visit our website and see for yourself why homeowners delight over them and share their excitement in seeing their rain chains grace their homes. Be sure to find us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter to see more pictures as well as customer submitted photos of rain chains adorning their fantastic homes.